
A Lesser Apocalypse

Lesson 1: night 1
jack-destiny tells us...
expiate the rustic moxie...
supplement radial cogitation with waggish wastefulness...
return to the carnival.

______ moved to K-town to get away from her boyfriend. Rather, to be with her boyfriend, which was an impossibility since he was behind bars serving time for some nameless petty crime. It had been six months since she'd seen him and although she remained faithful to him she was having doubts about the relationship. Together, when they were together, which had only been for two-weeks prior to his incarceration, they would spend their days and nights dreaming the Bonnie and Clyde dream. Living the dream was another matter. Impossible really, considering the smallness of the place -- and even beyond the limits of K-town their world was small... They only knew The City as an idea, though ______ had been their once, passing through on her way to Las Vegas. What they knew of the hyper-urbanity of The City had mostly come from television, from cinema, from the myriad songs written in its honor.

Lesson 2: night 1
jack-destiny tells us...
avoid the happy couple...
a prefiguration of suspect bliss.

What Jack wants and what Jack gets are entirely different,
though both fall under the heading of the grudge.

It was Las Vegas that appealed to Bunny and prior to her life with Clod she had stayed there for a short while. Married by Dead-Elvis, on a whim, to some White Knight who would soon prove himself gray if not black... The knight, the Black Knight was Clod to her Bunny back then, so the pattern of this story begins before the story itself. At least, as Jack knows it.

Lesson 3: day 2
jack-destiny tells us...
the saccharine aspect of Jack is sapped by reckless lubbery...
conspire with the sitting duck...
sanction bullish happenstance.

Bunny, ______ found Jack at the Flaxen Anger the night he said he wouldn't visit the pub. It wasn't until later that they actually met... ______ found Jack sitting alone, drinking alone, silent and alone. This, then, may be the beginning of the beginning. At least, a beginning... ______ wasn't looking for Clod that night, not another, but something else, something different. She already had a hardened hero in her bestiary and the scars to prove it, so she wanted something more in the vein of a chicken-hearted daredevil, a real dogged rabbit. For the moment, Jack seemed to fit the bill.

Lesson 4: day 2
jack-destiny tells us...
the crespucule of habits brings the unknown...
embrace the double whammy.

Lesson 5: night 2
jack-destiny tells us...
solitude is jack-revival...
but abatement falls to boredom...
consort, cavort, careen...
contain the mirthless jack-ass.

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